How to Make Your Workplace Safe

Ergonomic is a word we have all heard since the ramifications of prolonged computer use became a way of life. Along with the marvels of computer technology come the physical consequences of persistent injuries. Fortunately there are ways and means to improve and avoid the discomfort that people are prone to, when working in front of a computer all day.

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Workstation Ergonomics

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Correct design of the workstation setup for the particular user is paramount. Good posture stems from the use of furniture set at the correct height, as the position of the body n relation to the desk, chair, keyboard, mouse and monitor relates to the strain felt by the user.

The purchase of adjustable equipment allows the flexibility that is required for every individual's body size, strength and range of motion. The different physical dimensions and the job requirement should be task specific when a workstation is designed.

Ergonomic Desk

When choosing a desk there are key factors involved to minimise strain. An Ergonomic desk should be balanced so the tasks are not all stacked on one side. This avoids the imbalance that can be formed within the muscles of the person performing the tasks.

Alternative Desk Design

Options are now given as to whether a person sits all day at a desk. There are now 'sit to stand' desks that encourage flexibility and give a choice of sitting or standing whilst working. The variation of movement reduces the stress placed on the back, increases blood flow and helps stretch the muscles.

Ergonomic Chair

"Ergonomic" does not necessarily mean that a chair with that name is right. Consideration must be given to the following factors:

Adjustability - A chair must be designed to be able to allow the user to adjust seat height, back rest and seat pan depth.

Arm Rests - Should be adjustable or removable and should not prevent the chair from being close to the desk. Elbows should be at 90 degrees and forearms flat and level to allow for a relaxed un-hunched posture.

Lumbar Support - The chair should provide support for the curve of the lower back.

Stability - The chair needs to be stable and if movement is required, on casters with an appropriate floor surface.

How to Make Your Workplace Safe
Office Chair Casters

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